Support Center

News you can use: April

It’s spring in our part of the world, and we’re springing forward with a shower of new features and events to celebrate. Take a peek.

Conversations with experts

Access to the experts? You got it. Join industry leaders like Neal Ford, Sam Newman, and their guests in a casual virtual setting each month. They’ll chat about the latest developments in their fields and answer your questions.

Architectural Katas

It’s back! Whether you’re joining a team or just want to watch, the Architectural Katas challenge is an incredible learning opportunity. An all-star lineup of judges join Neal Ford to give feedback and pick the team with the winning architecture solution that best solves a real problem for an organization working for social good. The next one starts April 21; register now.

New Superstream events

Miss rubbing shoulders with alpha geeks and innovators at a conference? Check out our upcoming live online Superstream events. You’ll get an insider’s look at the latest tools and technologies to help you stay ahead of the curve.

New interactive scenarios, sandboxes, and notebooks

Hands-on learning is not only the fastest way to learn a new technology—it’s also essential for being able to actually apply what you’ve learned. That’s why we’re hyperfocused on delivering both new and improved interactive learning experiences and tons of fresh content too.

The newly redesigned Interactive Learning module on your home page makes it easy to discover top sandboxes, scenarios, and Jupyter notebooks. And there’s always something new, with over 40 new titles added since January.

Take a look


Surveys show certification pays. We’ve got your back. Study for certification exams using an actual interactive test that teaches you as you take it. That’s the power of these three new Pearson Practice Tests.

See more

Contact us


Tel: 1-800-889-8969

Mon-Fri, 1am–5pm PT, excluding US holidays


Tel: +44 20 3355 9998

Mon-Fri, 9am–1am GMT, excluding UK bank holidays

Asia Pacific

Tel: +61 29 191 9777

Mon-Fri, 8am–12am GMT, excluding US and UK holidays


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