Four short links: 12 July 2017

Net Neutrality, Scaling with Erlang, Matrix Cookbook, API Security

By Nat Torkington
July 12, 2017
  1. Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality — light up the internet to fight the slashing of net neutrality laws; O’Reilly is part of it.
  2. How Discord Scaled Elixir — the endless search for hot paths and bottlenecks that is scale.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. The Matrix Cookbooka collection of facts (identities, approximations, inequalities, relations, …) about matrices and matters relating to them. It is collected in this form for the convenience of anyone who wants a quick desktop reference.
  5. API Security Checklist for DevelopersChecklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API.
Post topics: Four Short Links