Four short links: 16 July 2020

Deriving Pseudocode from Code, Git + Docker for Data, Escape Room in Google Forms, and GPT-3 for Web Design

By Nat Torkington
July 16, 2020
Four Short Links
  1. Pseudogen[open source] tool to automatically generate pseudo-code from source code. Implements Learning to Generate Pseudo-code from Source Code using Statistical Machine Translation and is written up in Pseudogen: A Tool to Automatically Generate Pseudo-code from Source Code. Exciting work for people inheriting codebases, and perhaps the first step in automated reasoning about code functionality (understand what it does, rewrite it better).
  2. SplitgraphSplitgraph allows the user to manipulate data images (snapshots of SQL tables at a given point in time) as if they were code repositories by versioning, pushing and pulling them. It brings the best parts of Git and Docker, tools well-known and loved by developers, to data science and data engineering, and allows users to build and manipulate datasets directly on their database using familiar commands and paradigms. Open source.
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  4. Escape Room in Google FormsOnOn the day the Peters Township Public Library in McMurray, Pennsylvania, was supposed to unveil a superhero-themed escape room, the library had to close its doors due to the coronavirus pandemic. With no physical location to work with, librarian Sydney Krawiec started to devise an alternative: a digital escape room created in Google Forms. In the space of four hours, she made a Harry Potter-themed game that sent participants through a series of challenges based on locations from the book series, and they had to find their way out by solving puzzles. The Google Form went viral. And after other librarians saw it, they decided to make their own.
  5. Description to Design — (Twitter) Clever! A description of the webpage is used to generate the page. It’ll be interesting to see how complex it can get, and how well it generates. Trained from github data, which means its design sense is as good as the average of the projects on github … gulp.
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