Four short links: 16 June 2016
AI for Social Good, Bot Intent, Privilege and Overwork, and Securing Cloud Servers
- AI For Social Good — videos of the talks. Slides also available. (via CCC Blog)
- Terms Of Service Blind to Intent — one bot warns people who post pictures of their credit cards, another bot retweets it. As far as the Twitter TOS are concerned, @NeedADebitCard is the Gallant to @CancelThatCard’s Goofus. (The rest of this post has some good things to say about bot ethics.)
- How Insane Work Hours Became the Mark of American Privilege — the groups working the longest hours are the ones who enjoy the most privilege: white upper-class men. That’s striking, since more leisure time has traditionally been associated with privilege. […] In America over the last few decades, the association between leisure and privilege has been flipped on its head.
- My First 10 Minutes on a Server — securing a new box. A more accessible version of the more comprehensive 2016 Guide to User Data Security.