Four short links: 16 March 2017
Werewolf AI, Board Games, Coin Tossing, and Glitch Platform
- Towards Deception Detection in a Language-Driven Game (PDF) — This paper focuses exclusively on how the Explanation Generator generates hypotheses for the actions of human players based on observations of their conversational utterances. Werewolf is their test data. I do not think it is wise to teach the softwares to play Werewolf.
- CIA Trains Officers with Board Games (Ars Technica) — where are the software/startup simulation board games? (via BoingBoing)
The Impact of a Coin Toss on Major Life Decisions and Subsequent Happiness (PDF) — Those who flipped heads
were approximately 25% more likely to report making a change than those who got tails. - Glitch — sweet collaboratively edited code for web apps, with View Source, but clearly laying a path to being commercial PaaS. Neat.