Four short links: 17 January 2018

Surprise Transmissions, Sam Altman, Video Conferencing, and Microservice Hosting

By Nat Torkington
January 17, 2018
  1. System Bus RadioTransmits AM radio on computers without radio-transmitting hardware. The home run: Run this using a 2015 model MacBook Air. Then use a Sony STR-K670P radio receiver with the included antenna and tune it to 1580 kHz on AM. You should hear the “Mary Had a Little Lamb” tune playing repeatedly. (via Matt Webb)
  2. Sam Altman’s Manifest Destiny (New Yorker) — excellent profile full of thought-provoking soundbites. YC prides itself on rejecting jerks and bullies. “We’re good at screening out assholes,” Graham told me. “In fact, we’re better at screening out assholes than losers. All of them start off as losers—and some evolve.”
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Jitsiopen source video conferencing.
  5. provides an easy way to create, host, and share microservices. […] The most basic use case for is quick and free webhook hosting.
Post topics: Four Short Links