Four short links: 18 December 2019

Tech Leads, Securing Research, Factoids, and Prioritizing Technical Debt

By Nat Torkington
December 18, 2019
Four Short Links
  1. Tech Lead Expectations for Engineering Projects (Gergely Orosz) — list of responsibilities and a checklist for new projects, from an engineering manager at Uber. On my team of software engineers, we rotate the project lead role. I thought it would be interesting to share the approach we came up with. (via Lobsters)
  2. Fundamental Research Security (NSF) — the section on “research integrity and foreign influence” is interesting reading.
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  4. Coolest Things I Learned in 2019 — I like these types of posts—a lot of “huh, that IS cool” nuggets, including some visualizations.
  5. Prioritizing Technical Debt as if Time and Money Matters (Adam Tornhill) — In this presentation, you’ll see how easily obtained version-control data let us uncover the behavior and patterns of the development organization. This language-neutral approach lets you prioritize the parts of your system that benefit the most from improvements, so that you can balance short- and long-term goals guided by data.
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