Four short links: 20 March 2020

Esports, Antitrust, Observability, and Socializing Online

By Nat Torkington
March 20, 2020
Four Short Links
  1. NASCAR Replaces Canceled Races with Esports Featuring Pro Drivers (Engadget) — the world is getting weirder.
  2. Firebase Scrutinized By Antitrust RegulatorsFirebase tools give Google, the internet’s top ad seller, information on what consumers are doing inside apps that it can exploit to target ads to users, according to makers of Firebase alternatives.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Journey into Observability: Glitch’s Story (Mads Hartmann) — an easy-to-follow and honest recap of their journey from lots of logging to being able to look at heatmaps and resolve more problems.
  5. Hyphal Mesh30 mins. 2 convos, 1-on-1. Nifty idea for connecting people in these weird times.
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