Four short links: 20 May 2016

Self-Driving Uber, Shenzhen for Startups, Share FDA Docs, and Hackable Ethereum Contracts

By Nat Torkington
May 20, 2016
  1. Uber has Self-Driving Car on Pittsburgh StreetsThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has said it could have self-driving car guidelines ready by July. California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, North Dakota, Michigan, Tennessee, Florida, and Washington, D.C., have enacted autonomous vehicle legislation. Pennsylvania lawmakers and state Department of Transportation officials are working on similar laws.
  2. Startups Find Mecca in Shenzhen“We’ve got a saying here that a week in Shenzhen is like a month anywhere else,” said Hax partner Duncan Turner. “Teams come here for three and half months and basically get a year’s worth of R&D done, which really sets them ahead.”
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  4. StartupFDAa repository on GitHub where medical device startups are encouraged to open source and share their 510(k) submissions with each other. The idea is to demystify the process and show how much variation there can be in a successful submission for FDA clearance. (via The Macro)
  5. Ethereum Contracts are Going to be Candy for HackersDan Mayer cites research showing industry average bugs per 1,000 lines of code at 15-50 and Microsoft released code at 0.5 per 1,000, and 0(!) defects in 500,000 lines of code for NASA, with a very expensive and time-consuming process. My review of Ethereum Smart Contracts available for inspection at shows a likely error rate of something like 100 per 1,000, maybe higher.
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