Four short links: 21 July 2017

Offline First, Security Tools, Learning Game Strategy, and Design Documentation

By Nat Torkington
July 21, 2017
  1. Offline First — how to build an offline-first site in Javascript.
  2. Blackhat Arsenal — software being released or updated during the Blackhat Arsenal event (e.g., DefPloreX, a machine-learning toolkit for large-scale e-crime forensics; and CBM, the “Car Backdoor Maker”).
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Learning Macromanagement in StarCraft from Replays using Deep LearningNeural networks are trained on 789,571 state-action pairs extracted from 2,005 replays of highly skilled players, achieving top-1 and top-3 error rates of 54.6% and 22.9% in predicting the next build action. By integrating the trained network into UAlbertaBot, an open source StarCraft bot, the system can significantly outperform the game’s built-in Terran bot and play competitively against UAlbertaBot with a fixed rush strategy. (via Mark Riedl)
  5. Making Engineering Team Communication Clearer, Faster, Betterit’s very important to make sure you have a process that actually gets people to read the document. The write-only document fired off into the void is a common problem, and this talks about how to solve it (for design documents, but the principles translate).
Post topics: Four Short Links