Four short links: 25 November 2016
Malware Phylogenetics, Bipartite News, Human-Like AI, and Structuring Work
- Cosa Nostra — a graph-based malware clustering toolkit. Creates phylogenetic trees of malware showing relationships between variants.
- Fake News is Not The Only Problem — neither side of the graph’s frame was false, per se. Rather, each carefully crafted story on either side omitted important detail and context. When this happens constantly, on a daily basis, it systematically and deeply affects people’s perception of what is real. (via BoingBoing)
- Building Machines that Think and Learn Like People (Paper a Day) — summary of a paper that covers why deep learning alone isn’t likely to get us human-like AI, and hints at what’s needed.
- How We Set Up Our Work and Teams at Basecamp (Jason Fried) — six week cycles, with a few weeks in-between for independent clean-up, pet projects, etc. These are not sprints. I despise the word sprints. Sprints and work don’t go together. This isn’t about running all out as fast as you can; it’s about working calmly, at a nice pace, and making smart calls along the way. No brute force here, no catching our collective breath at the end.