Four short links: 27 February 2018

Lawyering AIs, Ways of Books, State Machines, and Futures Tools

By Nat Torkington
February 27, 2018
  1. AI vs. Lawyer20 experienced U.S.-trained lawyers were pitted against the LawGeex artificial intelligence algorithm. The 40-page study details how AI has overtaken top lawyers for the first time in accurately spotting risks in everyday business contracts. (via Mashable)
  2. Bestsellers vs. Most Read (John Birmingham) — Books live in To-Be-Read piles. Some of those piles are digital books, and some of them are paper. But many, many, many readers wait until they’re in the mood for a particular kind of book before plucking it off their TBR pile. (Quote is actually by Kathryn Rausch)
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  4. How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the State Machine (Reginald Braithwaite) — By recognizing when domain models should be represented first and foremost as state machines—or recognizing when to refactor domain models into state machines—we keep our models understandable and workable. We tame their complexity. I also got a kick out of this HN comment: When I’m stuck on a software design problem, I pick some random part of the program and see what happens if I make it first class.[…] I’ve found time and again if it seems like I can’t get my code to hang together, it’s usually because I’m missing a noun—a reification of some part of my problem that I can pass around and do stuff with.
  5. Futures Tools (NZ DPMC) — The purpose of the workshop was to understand futures thinking and tools, as well as impart tips for putting these into practice in a policy setting. (via The Policy Project)
Post topics: Four Short Links