Four short links: 27 June 2017

Reading Papers, AR Kit, Demoing to Sell, and Secure Go

By Nat Torkington
June 27, 2017
  1. How to Read a Scientific Paper: A Guide for Non-Scientists — excellent advice. 1. Read the introduction (not the abstract). 2. Identify the BIG QUESTION. 3. Summarize the background in five sentences. 4. Identify the SPECIFIC QUESTION(S). 5. Identify the approach. 6. Draw a diagram for experiments, showing methods. 7. Summarize results from each experiment. 8. Do results answer the SPECIFIC QUESTION(S). 9. Read conclusion/discussion/interpretation section. 10. Now, read the abstract. 11. What do other researchers say about this paper?
  2. Made with ARKit — selections of demos made with Apple’s augmented reality framework. I may be shallow, but I’m excited to have this in my hands. The ruler made me go “wow.”
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Everything I Wish I’d Known Before I Started Demoing SaaS — the sales process turns on the pain points and the decision-maker, and this (good!) advice is how you make sure your demo moves you ahead on both.
  5. Go Language – Web Application Secure Coding PracticesThe main goal of this book is to help developers avoid common mistakes, while at the same time learning a new programming language through a “hands-on approach.” This book provides a good level of detail on “how to do it securely,” showing what kind of security problems could arise during development. (via Binni Shah)
Post topics: Four Short Links