Four short links: 29 August 2016

Haptic Gloves, Destabilizing Artefacts, Application Threats, and Simulation Language

By Nat Torkington
August 29, 2016
  1. Dexmo GlovesAn exoskeleton to let you physically touch the virtual world. Not for consumers, but still a taste of the future.
  2. Future Stable Present Unstableone of the successful, or perhaps most helpful, outcomes of a speculative artefact is that it makes the future stable and the present unstable. In communicating to a wider audience a potential, possible, or plausible condition, a future artefact should allow you to see a glimpse into that particular condition while disrupting your view of the condition you are currently in, and in that, there is a delicate balance.
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  4. Threat Modelling for Applications — mean time to tears for web devs reading this: 1m26s.
  5. Simita new programming language that makes it easy to compute on sparse systems using linear algebra. Makes many simulations much easier to write and more efficient to compute. From a writeup, In experiments, simulations written in the language were dozens or even hundreds of times as fast as those written in existing simulation languages. But they required only one-tenth as much code as meticulously hand-optimized simulations that could achieve similar execution speeds.
Post topics: Four Short Links