Four short links: 29 December 2016

Polyglot Notebook, SQL Proxy, Global Radio, and Diagnosis from Breath

By Nat Torkington
December 29, 2016
  1. Beaker Notebooka code notebook that allows you to analyze, visualize, and document data using multiple programming languages. Beaker’s plugin-based polyglot architecture enables you to seamlessly switch between languages in your documents and add support for your favorite languages that we’ve missed. […] We currently provide support for Python, R, Julia, Groovy, Ruby, Java, Scala, Kdb, Clojure, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, and LaTeX. And can translate variables between languages.
  2. Proxy SQLhigh-performance MySQL proxy.
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  4. Radio Garden — find radio stations from around the world, with a UI that emphasises the global nature.
  5. Diagnosis and Classification of 17 Diseases from 1,404 Subjects via Pattern Analysis of Exhaled Moleculesan artificially intelligent nanoarray based on molecularly modified gold nanoparticles and a random network of single-walled carbon nanotubes for noninvasive diagnosis and classification of a number of diseases from exhaled breath. See also Quartz article. (via Slashdot)
Post topics: Four Short Links