Four short links: 30 June 2016

Connectome Data, AI Pilot, Seeing Sound, and Open Internet

By Nat Torkington
June 30, 2016
  1. Human Connectome Project Update (IEEE) — […] completed scanning the brains of 1,200 healthy adults […] freely available […] 5,600 investigators have entered […] able to access and download 9.5 petabytes of imaging data. The data set includes scans of brain activity while individuals are at rest and while doing tasks. It also contains structural scans with information on the size and shape of the folds of the brain in the cortex, the trajectories of local and long-distance neuronal fibers traversing the brain’s white matter, and more. (via Hacker News)
  2. AI Pilot Beats Air Combat Expert in Dogfight (Popular Science) — The A.I., dubbed ALPHA, was developed by Psibernetix, a company founded by University of Cincinnati doctoral graduate Nick Ernest, in collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory. According to the developers, ALPHA was specifically designed for research purposes in simulated air-combat missions.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. The Daredevil Camera — nifty device, to see the location of sounds, but also fascinating description of the debugging process for physical invention. It’s not the math that’s hard—it’s the novel combination of components to achieve the end.
  5. Open SeasonThis means that while market forces strongly influence the day-to-day conversations about the Internet, the longer term debate needs the presence of a strong public voice to defend societal values. It is incumbent on us all to ensure that the open Internet continues to serve all of us, preserving essential qualities of ubiquity, accessibility, safety, and utility that we should expect from every public common space. Amen. Regulators today seem to discount the Internet’s benefits and overprice social costs.
Post topics: Four Short Links