Four short links: April 18

Word Processors, Open Data, Robot-Proof Jobs, and New Coder Con

By Nat Torkington
April 18, 2017
  1. Rope Science — discussion docs explaining the CS used in the Xi text editor. (Sorry for putting a bunch of these in over the years, but the data structures that lie invisibly behind your word processor are hypnotic magic to me.)
  2. Steve Ballmer Becoming an Open Data Junkie (NYT) — building the soon-to-open USA Facts aggregated and interrogable pool of open data about the USG’s performance. Mr. Ballmer calls it “the equivalent of a 10-K for government,” referring to the kind of annual filing that companies make. “You know, when I really wanted to understand in depth what a company was doing, Amazon or Apple, I’d get their 10-K and read it,” he told me in a recent interview in New York. “It’s wonky, it’s this, it’s that, but it’s the greatest depth you’re going to get, and it’s accurate.” If only facts mattered in public policy!
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  4. Robot-Proof Jobs (NPR Marketplace) — new series looking at jobs that won’t be taken by automation (or will they?!).
  5. Codeland — an NYC tech conference for new coders.
Post topics: Four Short Links