Highlights from the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference in New York 2018

Watch highlights covering the latest tools and techniques of software architecture. From the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference in New York 2018.

By Mac Slocum
February 27, 2018
New York skyline. O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference 2018 New York skyline. O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference 2018 (source: O'Reilly)

Experts from across the software architecture world came together in New York for the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.

Turning request-response on its head

Cornelia Davis explains how an event-driven approach addresses the fallacies of distributed computing.

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Extending the Kubernetes API

Jago Macleod shares recent work that lets users extend the Kubernetes API with custom resources and controllers.

Events on the outside, on the inside, and at the core

Chris Richardson explains why events are a key application integration mechanism and how they’re used by applications to communicate with the outside world.

Developing a chaos architecture mindset

Adrian Cockcroft outlines the architectural principles of chaos engineering and shares methods engineers can use to exercise failure modes in safety and business-critical systems

Accelerate application delivery with a cloud-native mindset

Andrew Hately says enterprises must adopt a collaborative culture to truly exploit continuous-deployment workflows.

Going (cloud) native

Kevin Stewart explores the people, processes, and cultural aspects that complement the cloud-native computing stack.

Post topics: Software Architecture

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