Exam AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions (Video)

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14+ Hours of Video Instruction

Prepare for Microsoft Exam AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions, and demonstrate your knowledge of the tools and services that make up the Microsoft Azure DevOps solution. This certification is relevant to any IT professional whose responsibilities include designing and implementing strategies for collaboration, code, infrastructure, source control, security, compliance, continuous integration, testing, delivery, monitoring, and feedback. Train with IT industry veteran Paul Furlan, and learn everything you need to pass the exam with flying colors.


The days of specializing in just one technology have become obsolete as people and teams involved in the whole DevOps cycle need to become cross-functional. Developers need to add some operations knowledge to their toolkit, and operations engineers need to incorporate the development and scripting knowledge into theirs to help the whole team output better products faster with higher quality. The Microsoft Exam AZ-400 readies candidates to obtain these skills, and Paul Furlan's video readies candidates to pass the exam.

About the Instructor

Paul Furlan likes to describe himself as an information technologies Swiss army knife. He is an IT industry veteran with more than 17 years of experience across several roles such as helpdesk, full stack web development, system administration, and backups. He is currently a DevOps engineer focused on the support and administration of the VCS and CI/CD pipelines. In addition to his day job, Paul likes to spend his time reading mostly things related to science and technology. He always tries to make the time to learn and practice new skills and promotes this to everyone in the IT industry as this field is constantly changing and rapidly evolving.

Skill Level
Beginner to intermediate

What You Will Learn
Learn how to

  • Build a complete application from idea until deployment
  • Deploy an application using a DevOps approach
  • Learn about each phase of the DevOps lifecycle
  • Perform-test your application to detect bugs and make sure it is working as expected
  • Explore infrastructure as code
  • Learn all about containers

Who Should Take This Course

  • Aspiring or practicing Microsoft DevOps engineers
  • Any IT professional looking to pass the AZ-400 exam
  • Systems administrators
  • Cloud administrators
  • Virtualization engineers

Course Requirements
A candidate for this exam must be familiar with both Azure administration and development and must be expert in at least one of these areas.

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Exam AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions: Introduction
  2. Lesson 1: Facilitate Communication and Collaboration
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 1.1 Learn about Azure DevOps
    3. 1.2 Understand Azure DevOps processes
    4. 1.3 Learn about Azure DevOps boards
    5. 1.4 Lab A: Explore Azure Boards
    6. 1.5 Lab B: Integrate Azure Boards Github
    7. 1.6 Explore wiki and dashboards
    8. 1.7 Lab C: Create a wiki
    9. 1.8 Lab D: Create a dashboard
    10. 1.9 Integrate external tools
    11. 1.10 Lab E: Integrate messaging tools
    12. 1.11 Lab F: Webhooks and ITSM overview
  3. Lesson 2: Develop a Security and Compliance Plan
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 2.1 Learn about security and compliance
    3. 2.2 Design an authentication strategy
    4. 2.3 Lab A: Learn about Active Directory features
    5. 2.4 Learn about authentication in Azure DevOps
    6. 2.5 Lab B: Integrating Active Directory
    7. 2.6 Lab C: Authenticating to Azure Repos
    8. 2.7 Lab D: Service Connection authentication
    9. 2.8 Design authorization and governance
    10. 2.9 Lab E: Set up policies, groups, and access levels
    11. 2.10 Learn about Azure Key Vault
    12. 2.11 Lab F: Set up Azure Key Vault
    13. 2.12 Learn about Azure DevOps variables
    14. 2.13 Lab G: Use Azure DevOps variables
  4. Lesson 3: Manage Source Control
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 3.1 Learn about SCM/VCS tools
    3. 3.2 Lab A: Create a git repository
    4. 3.3 Learn git
    5. 3.4 Lab B: Practice git
    6. 3.5 Learn about git workflows, branches, and tags
    7. 3.6 Lab C: Use git workflows, branches, and tags
    8. 3.7 Work with pull requests and branch policies
    9. 3.8 Lab D: Work with branch policies and pull requests
    10. 3.9 Learn about merge types
    11. 3.10 Lab E: Learn about merging and merge conflicts
    12. 3.11 Learn about advanced repository features
    13. 3.12 Lab F: Learn about advanced git features
    14. 3.13 Learn about Github codespaces
    15. 3.14 Lab G: Review Github codespaces
  5. Lesson 4: Define and Implement Continuous Integration
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 4.1 Develop build pipelines
    3. 4.2 Lab A: Set up build agents
    4. 4.3 Lab B: Create classic Azure pipelines
    5. 4.4 Lab C: Create YAML pipelines
    6. 4.5 Learn about package management
    7. 4.6 Lab D: Create packages
    8. 4.7 Lab E: Set up feeds
    9. 4.8 Learn about containers
    10. 4.9 Lab F: Build a container image
    11. 4.10 Lab G: Run and Push container images
    12. 4.11 Learn about code quality and security
    13. 4.12 Lab H: Implement code quality
    14. 4.13 Lab I: Implement DevSecOps
  6. Lesson 5: Optimize Build Pipelines
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 5.1 Integrate external tools
    3. 5.2 Lab A: Integrate Azure pipelines with Github
    4. 5.3 Optimize build
    5. 5.4 Lab B: Optimize pipeline performance
    6. 5.5 Lab C: Multi-stage docker builds
    7. 5.6 Learn about pipeline monitoring and analytics
    8. 5.7 Lab D: Review pipeline monitoring and analytics
  7. Lesson 6: Design Continuous Delivery
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 6.1 Learn about the application deployment process
    3. 6.2 Lab A: Set up a release pipeline
    4. 6.3 Lab B: Set dependencies, approvals, and gates
    5. 6.4 Understand infrastructure as code
    6. 6.5 Lab C: Deploy ARM templates
    7. 6.6 Learn about configuration management 
    8. 6.7 Lab D: Use custom script extension
    9. 6.8 Lab E: Configure desired state configuration
    10. 6.9 Lab F: Set up automation state configuration
    11. 6.10 Learn about Azure app configuration
    12. 6.11 Lab G: Learn about Azure app configuration
  8. Lesson 7: Implement Continuous Delivery
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 7.1 Set up release targets
    3. 7.2 Lab A: Learn about deployment groups
    4. 7.3 Lab B: Configure a VM scale set
    5. 7.4 Lab C: Learn about Azure app service
    6. 7.5 Lab D: Set up Kubernetes
    7. 7.6 Test your application
    8. 7.7 Lab E: Learn about manual and exploratory testing
    9. 7.8 Lab F: Set up automated testing
    10. 7.9 Lab G: Learn about test reports
    11. 7.10 Design and implement a release strategy
    12. 7.11 Lab H: Set up rolling deployment
    13. 7.12 Lab I: Configure canary deployment
    14. 7.13 Lab J: Learn about blue/green deployment
  9. Lesson 8: Develop a Site Reliability Engineering Strategy
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 8.1 Understand site reliability engineering
    3. 8.2 Lab A: Azure service health
    4. 8.3 Learn about elasticity and load balancing
    5. 8.4 Lab B: Load balancer and scale sets
    6. 8.5 Learn about health checks
    7. 8.6 Lab C: Load balancer health probe
    8. 8.7 Lab D: Container liveness and readiness probes
    9. 8.8 Lab E: Application health extension
  10. Lesson 9: Develop an Instrumentation Strategy
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 9.1 Learn about Azure monitor
    3. 9.2 Lab A: Azure monitor overview
    4. 9.3 Learn about logging and metrics
    5. 9.4 Lab B: Logging
    6. 9.5 Lab C: Metrics
    7. 9.6 Learn about Application Insights
    8. 9.7 Lab D: Application Insights
    9. 9.8 Monitor virtual machines
    10. 9.9 Lab E: Monitor virtual machines
    11. 9.10 Set up alerting
    12. 9.11 Lab F: Set up alerting
    13. 9.12 Learn about Visual Studio App Center 
    14. 9.13 Lab G: Visual Studio App Center
  11. Lesson 10: AZ-400 Exam Latest Topics
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 10.1 Learn about end-to-end traceability
    3. 10.2 Lab A: End-to-end traceability
    4. 10.3 Learn about documentation automation
    5. 10.4 Learn Azure Bicep
    6. 10.5 Lab B: Azure Bicep
    7. 10.6 Learn about Azure Automanage Machine Configuration
    8. 10.7 Lab C: Azure Automanage Machine Configuration
  12. Summary
    1. Exam AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions: Summary

Product information

  • Title: Exam AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions (Video)
  • Author(s): Paul Furlan
  • Release date: October 2022
  • Publisher(s): Microsoft Press
  • ISBN: 0137682573