Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications

Video description

3.5 Hours of Video Instruction


Angular allows developers to create beautiful, performant, easily maintainable websites incredibly quickly. This comprehensive guide to learning Angular highlights the latest features.


The course covers the topics needed to effectively create and manage front-end codebases using Angular, currently one of the most popular front-end JavaScript frameworks.

The approach is hands-on. You start with a basic boilerplate application, and throughout the course, add new functionality to your skill set.

Angular has undergone some substantial changes over the past few years, and this course presents the latest features and best practices.

The companion files for this course can be found at https://github.com/shaunwa/learn-angular-example-code.

About the Instructor

Shaun Wassell’s online courses have more than 300,000 learners, largely because of his passion for development and his focus on helping people apply their programming skills in the real world. He is a life-long programmer and problem-solving addict whose goal is to help people solve meaningful problems by mastering the art of software development.

Skill Level
  • Beginner to Intermediate
What You Will Learn

Developers learn how to:
  • Code a full-scale Angular application
  • Build and deploy this application so that it can be accessed from anywhere
  • Communicate effectively with other Angular developers by knowing the fundamental concepts of Angular
  • Recognize good and bad patterns in Angular code
Who Should Take This Course
  • Software developers who are familiar with the basics of web-development, such as HTML, CSS, basic JavaScript, and want to increase their effectiveness and make their skills relevant again by learning the modern way of developing websites using Angular.
  • Web developers
  • Front-end developers/engineers
  • Full-stack developers/engineers
  • JavaScript developers/engineers
  • Secondary audience: developers who have never done any kind of web development before and want to jump into the most advanced technology for doing so.
Course Requirements

  • Learners should know the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Should have a strong grasp of basic programming concepts, such as variables, arrays, control flow, and so on
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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications: Introduction
  2. Lesson 1: Learn Basic Angular Syntax and Concepts
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 1.1 Understand the purpose and benefits of Angular
    3. 1.2 Create and run an Angular app
    4. 1.3 Understand the different parts of an Angular component
    5. 1.4 Pass inputs to components
    6. 1.5 Render components conditionally
    7. 1.6 Display lists of components
    8. 1.7 Style components in Angular
    9. 1.8 Handle clicks and other events
    10. 1.9 Learn about outputs in Angular
  3. Lesson 2: Learn About State and the Component Lifecycle
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 2.1 Use State in components
    3. 2.2 Decide where to put State
    4. 2.3 Use lifecycle events in components
  4. Lesson 3: Learn Routing in Angular
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 3.1 Set up routing in Angular
    3. 3.2 Use URL parameters query parameters
    4. 3.3 Create a "Not Found" page
    5. 3.4 Navigate programmatically
  5. Lesson 4: Learn Common Angular Patterns
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 4.1 Create and manage forms in Angular
    3. 4.2 Build a navigation bar in Angular
    4. 4.3 Load data and make requests in Angular
  6. Lesson 5: Write Clean Angular Code
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 5.1 Learn the difference between Inheritance and Composition
    3. 5.2 Apply the Single-Responsibility Principle in Angular
    4. 5.3 Avoid common anti-patterns
  7. Lesson 6: Learn Advanced Topics
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 6.1 Learn about Angular view encapsulation
    3. 6.2 Add the Font-Awesome and Material Libraries to Angular
    4. 6.3 Use the ng-content directive
  8. Lesson 7: Host Angular Applications
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 7.1 Host an Angular app on Netlify
    3. 7.2 Host an Angular app on Firebase Hosting
  9. Summary
    1. Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications: Summary

Product information

  • Title: Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications
  • Author(s): Shaun Wassell
  • Release date: May 2021
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 0137324847