
Getting Started with Arduino

Errata for Getting Started with Arduino

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 8
first paragraph

"This approach made the synthesizer look like an old telephone
switch." I think you meant "switchboard".

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please change "switch" to "switchboard"

Anonymous  Oct 05, 2011 
Page 11
1st paragraph

"Sniffin' Glue" is incorrectly credited as the source of the illustration featuring drawings of three guitar chords:

"A - This is a chord. E - This is another, G - This is a third. Now form a band".

This drawing originally appeared in December 1976 in another punk fanzine "Sideburns"


"A history of punk in 12-1/2 chapters". The Independent (The Independent). Wednesday, 31 May 2000.

"Punk Music in Britain". h2g2 (BBC). 2002-10-7

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please add (this drawing originally appeared in the punk fanzine "Sideburns")

Between "fanzine shown here" and ":"

BruceMiller  Oct 20, 2010 
Page 15
Last sentence

"...and I have been using it every since" should be "...and I have been using it ever since".

Anonymous  Nov 02, 2008  Jun 01, 2009
Page 34
middle of page

"What you have just written and ran is a computer program..."
Should be run.

Anonymous  Oct 05, 2011 
Page 35
First sentence after "Arduino is not for Quitters."

"Arduino expects two functions to exists" should be "Arduino expects two functions to exist".

Jim Rothrock  Sep 27, 2009  Nov 01, 2010
Page 36
first paragraph, first sentence

Page 36, first paragraph, first sentence: "At first, you might
consider this kind of explanation *to* unneccessary, ...". I assume that
the author meant "too" instead of "to"; however, something is either
necessary or unnecessary, so the word "to" may be omitted all together.

Anonymous  Feb 03, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 37
last sentence

"This closing curly bracket marks end of the loop function."
Should be "marks the end".

Anonymous  Oct 05, 2011 
Page 37
fourth paragraph, fourth sentence

Page 37, fourth paragraph, fourth sentence: "Milliseconds are
thousands of seconds; therefore, ...". Milliseconds are thousand*th*s of
seconds, not thousands of seconds. There needs to be a "th" to make the
word *thousandths*.

Anonymous  Feb 03, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 41
2nd paragraph

Phrase "grandma's thermal blanket" must mean "electric blanket". A thermal blanket in both the US and UK is a non-powered insulated blanket.

BruceMiller  Oct 16, 2010 
Page 58
Figure 5-4 (and text)

Figure 5-4 shows a resistor in the circuit, but doesn't specify the value of the resistor. I used a 1K ohm - brown black red.

Note from the Author or Editor:
we should add to the paragraph below the illustration
"Use a 270 Ohm resistor (Red Purple Brown)."

Anonymous  Nov 13, 2008 
Page 59
first paragraph

"Now you have a replicated a fancy feature of a laptop
computer..." Delete the a.

Note from the Author or Editor:
please change "have a replicated" to "have replicated"

Anonymous  Oct 05, 2011 
Page 59
First paragraph after code block

"Let's the use this knowledge" should be "Let's use this knowledge".

Jim Rothrock  Sep 27, 2009  Nov 01, 2010
Page 60
2nd paragraph

"However, one of the advantages of the breadboard (seeAppendix A) is that there is a pair of rails..." Should be "there are".

Anonymous  Oct 05, 2011 
Page 66
code example, 3rd and 6th line from the bottom

In the first line of the example, it says "#define LED 13 // the pin for the LED", so we've told the Arduino that it should read 13 when we say LED. But in the 3rd and 6th line from the bottom, it says "digitalWrite(13, HIGH/LOW)", which I think should be "digitalWrite(LED, HIGH/LOW)".

marrije  Aug 31, 2009 
Page 70
Last paragraph

"and accelerometer" should be "and accelerometers".

Jim Rothrock  Sep 27, 2009  Nov 01, 2010
Page 78
end of Processing code snippet

at the end of the code listing, after the draw() function, there seems to be 1 too many closing curly braces... there are four and my code compiles fine with 3, and counting back gives me 3

Joe 10  Sep 23, 2009 
Page 99
Definition of float

"This quite big and can hold..." should
be "This is quite big and can hold...".

Anonymous  Oct 05, 2011 
Page 102
1st program example

It should be


for letting a LED blink. In the book the 3rd line has the parameter HIGH instead of LOW.

Rolf Steinort  Apr 10, 2009 
Page 103
Arithmetic and Formula top section of page

under the Example is states:
remainder= 3 % 2; //returns 2 because 3/2 has remainder 1

should read:

remainder= 3 % 2; //returns 1

Anonymous  Jan 26, 2011 
Page 104
2nd paragraph "increment and decrement (-- and ++)"

The description of the increment operator is incorrect. The text should be:

"These increment or decrement a value by 1. Be careful, though. If you write ++i this increments i by 1 and evaluates to the equivalent of i+1;
however i++ evaluates to the value of i and then increments i. The same applies to --."

Note from the Author or Editor:
the new definition is correct

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2010 
Page 105
First paragraph

Current text: Maps a value in the range fromLow and maxLow...
Should be: Maps a value in the range fromLow and fromHigh...

Paul Kowal  May 23, 2012