
Windows Internals, Part 2

Errata for Windows Internals, Part 2

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 4
Last Paragraph

"...reponsibility of the driver to translate file-oriented comments" should have been "...reponsibility of the driver to translate file-oriented commands"

McEnroe  Feb 12, 2014 
Printed Page 59
3rd Paragraph

The idle prioritization strategy, on the other hand, uses a separate queue for non-idle priority I/O.

It should be

The idle prioritization strategy, on the other hand, uses a separate queue for idle priority I/O.

McEnroe  Feb 12, 2014 
Printed Page 266
Figure 10-24

Pag. 266 Figure 10-24

The page frame number is defined betwen bits 12-39, when (I think) it should be in 47-12. This is because it's necesary 36 bits to complete one physical address of 48 bits (Actual width of hardware addresses) with the 12bits of page offset.

The same happens with the pointers to other page tables, where the structure should be, 36bits PFN + 9bits Page X selector + 000.

In both cases, it's imposible to complete addresses with only 28bits.

Fernando de la Fuente Mart?nez  Mar 27, 2013 
PDF Page 307
3rd paragraph

"This shows that the virtual page starting at 0x01340000 is currently mapped to physical address 0x97D78000."

Previous paragraph mentioned virtual address 0x00580000, and the preceding screenshot also shows 0x00580000. Looks like a typo.

Decheng Fan  Jun 24, 2013 
PDF Page 407
Figure 12.9

In the third from the last row, it mentions "Cache flushed and no more caching allowed on the file", however, the last two actions still show caching is allowed. The doubt is that the "Cache flushed" line is erroneous.

Decheng Fan  Dec 29, 2013 
PDF Page 430
last paragraph

Original text: %SystemRoot%\System\Drivers\Ntfs.sys
Should be: %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\Ntfs.sys
Reason is that, the symbolic link C:\Drivers points to %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers rather than %SystemRoot%\System\Drivers (note that it should have "32" in it).

Decheng Fan  Feb 03, 2014 
PDF Page 433
Last paragraph

"Similarly, if a user attempts to use more volume storage then her quota limit permits,"--should be "than" instead of "then".

Decheng Fan  Feb 05, 2014 
PDF Page 444
1st paragraph

"NTFS looks in the volume boot record (VBR) (located at LCN 0), which contains a data structure call the boot parameter block (BPB)," here "call" should be "called".

Decheng Fan  Feb 15, 2014