
Make: Electronics

Errata for Make: Electronics, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page ii
After "the Make logo is" para

Need to insert language about trademarks:

"Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and Maker Media, Inc., was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps."

Nic_Shel  Aug 17, 2015  Oct 23, 2015

In Experiment 9 under Background: Time constant section
error: TC = 1,000 / .001 (suppose to be 1,000 x .001)

Note from the Author or Editor:
On page 77 of the printed book, the equation

TC = 1,000 / 0.001

should be changed to

TC = 1,000 x 0.001

Please use multiplication sign for the x in the equation.

Anonymous  Sep 15, 2015  Oct 23, 2015
Printed, PDF
Page copyright

Copyright should be in the name of Helpful Corporation.

Brian Jepson  Oct 02, 2015  Oct 23, 2015
Page xi
1st paragraph

The email address for registration informed into ME INFORMING YOU explanation section is hyfenized.

Note from the Author or Editor:
There are hyphens in an email address and in a URL on page xi, left column. The URL is easily fixed as it already contains a hyphen that should be retained. I don't know how the publisher wants to deal with the email address.

Luciano Campos  Feb 18, 2017  Oct 06, 2017
Printed, PDF, ePub, Mobi, , Other Digital Version
Page 5,13,15,16,32,319,320
Varies: References to 3-amp (and 3A) fuse on the listed pages

Due to the nature of the rating curve for standard automotive fuses and the average maximum short circuit current of a alkaline AA battery not being high enough for long enough period of time a 1-amp fuse should be use in place of the 3-amp fuse originally suggested in the book.

3-amp fuse references are on the following pages:


3A fuse referenced on shopping list pages:

Note from the Author or Editor:
A 1-amp fuse will definitely work more reliably than a 3-amp fuse as indicated by this very helpful reader.

Anonymous  Dec 11, 2018  Feb 01, 2019
Page 14
Fundamentals: Volt Basics paragraph

It states that in United States and much of Europe AC power is supplied at 110-120V.

In Europe the vast majority of AC power is 230V for domestic use, looking at the map it seems that no country in Europe uses 110V system. Outside North America just a handful of countries uses 110V system in the world

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader's description of the error is correct.

On page 14, right-hand column, fifth line from the bottom, change "much of Europe" to "a few other countries"

Anonymous  Jun 10, 2019  Jul 19, 2019
Page 15
2nd paragraph under Fundamentals: Ampere Basics

"Each micro-amp being 1/1,1000th of a milliamp "

I believe that number should read 1/1,000th.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. Page 15, left column, second paragraph, 1/1,1000th of a milliamp should be changed to

1/1,000th of a milliamp.

Zach Swift  Dec 22, 2015  Jul 08, 2016
Page 19
Figures 1-43 and 1-44

The two figures are reversed. The captions and paragraph text don't match the images.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The image for Figure 1-43 should be swapped with the image for Figure 1-44. The captions should remain where they are. This error seems to have been introduced during the page formatting process.

Anonymous  Sep 25, 2015  Oct 23, 2015
Page 24
Second to Last Sentence

The second to last sentence states "If your meter uses manual ranging, set the voltage higher then 9 volts." "Then" should read "than."

Note from the Author or Editor:
This erratum report is correct. "then" should be "than."

Tyler Arbogast  May 07, 2020  Aug 14, 2020
Page 25
Caption to Figure 1-54

Caption should read:

Measuring the potential difference across the potentiometer.

Charles Platt
Charles Platt
Jan 22, 2016  Jul 08, 2016
Page 45
1st paragraph 2nd column

Continuity. Having finished 'Make: Electronics' and moving to 'Make: More Electronics' I found this inconsistency which has me wondering which wire gauge to have in my Amazon wish list. This is in reference to breadboard wire.

'Make: Electronics': ...I will now emphasize that the wire should be 22-gauge, not 20-gauge, and not 24-gauge. You will find that the 24-gauge wire doesn't fit tightly in a breadboard, and may not make a reliable connection, while 20-gauge wire is just a little too thick...

'Make: More Electronics': As for wire thickness, I think 24 gauge is by far the best choice for breadboarding. If you use 26 gauge, it tends to kink too easily when you're trying to push it into the holes; and after it's inserted, it sits too loosely. On the other hand 22 gauge is too tight a fit.


Note from the Author or Editor:
The statement in "Make: More Electronics" resulted from using a particular type of breadboard which turned out to be nonstandard. The statement in "Make: Electronics" is correct.

The statement in "Make: More Electronics" should be rewritten.

Darrel Dronet  Jun 19, 2020  Aug 14, 2020
Page 47
2nd column, 3rd paragraph

I believe the correct SKU for the example toggle switch is ST163D00 which is an On-On switch rather then ST16DD00 which is a Momentary-Off-Momentary switch.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. On page 47, third paragraph, please change ST16DD00 to


geekGee  Dec 12, 2015  Jul 08, 2016
Page 48
2nd paragraph

On the paragraph right below Figure 2-20 on page 48 it says:
"All of them ARE ARE 9VDC DPDT relays, with pins spaced as shown on the left side of Figure 2-21."

The error is the ARE repeated two times.

Rebecca Santos  Feb 06, 2020  Apr 14, 2020
Page 62
4th paragraph

In the following statement:

"Figure 2-53 shows what happened when you were not pressing the button. The switch contacts relaxed into their opposite state, breaking the connection between A and B"

"between A and B" should be "between A and C"

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. Page 62, right column, fourth line, delete "and B" and substitute "and C"

mostafa mahmoud ibrahim  May 16, 2017  Oct 06, 2017
Page 70
Figures 2-67 and 2-68; figures 2-69 and 2-70

Misplaced wires in schematics:

A reader has reported that the schematic in Figure 2-68 does not match the diagram in Figure 2-67, and the schematic in Figure 2-69 does not match the diagram in Figure 2-70.

This error occurred when the schematic of the relay was revised to match the pinouts of the actual component, but connections were not revised to match.

Figure 2-67 and 2-70 show the circuits correctly. Figures 2-68 and 2-69 will be corrected in the next printing.

At least 20 people fact-checked the book during the production process. None of us caught this error, which of course is my responsibility. Sincere apologies.

Charles Platt  Oct 01, 2015  Oct 23, 2015
Printed, PDF, ePub, Mobi, , Other Digital Version
Page 76
left column, last line

Note from the Author or Editor:
Removed the words "just over three seconds."

...and substituted in the words "almost six seconds."

Justin Billing  Aug 29, 2018  Sep 07, 2018
Page 80
2nd Full Paragraph (Begining with "Additionally, your meter..."

The second sentence of this paragraph reads, "It's very high, but still, it's there." with respect to the internal resistance of a DMM. I believe the point is that the internal resistance is very low, but it is still there.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is not actually correct, but my text is not sufficiently clear, which is why the reader got the wrong idea. Therefore let me make the text clearer.

Sentence that reads "It's very high, but still, it's there."

Please substitute:

It's very high, but still, it passes a small amount of current.

Sam Sany  Sep 15, 2015  Oct 23, 2015
Page 82
Figure 2-90 caption

Caption refers to the "preceding breadboarded circuit." This should be changed to read "the next and final breadboarded circuit in this experiment."

Charles Platt
Charles Platt
Jan 22, 2016  Jul 08, 2016
Page 83
1st paragraph

Ref Figures 2-90 and 2-91. Pressing button B does not seem to discharge the capacitor. No change in the V reading is shown, even for a split second when that button is pushed. The figures show that pushing button B connects the the two sides of the capacitor, but the positive input is still connected, with no connection to ground. Is this the correct way to discharge the capacitor? Should there be a ground connection for both sides of the capacitor similar to Figures 2-86 and 2-88? Pushing button A does what's described in the book.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Because the circuit in 2-90 has been reversed compared with 2-88, really we are now charging the capacitor instead of discharging it, with Button B. Therefore on page 83, left column, the word "discharge" should be deleted and replaced with "charge." Sorry for the confusion.

Everything else should work as described. If pressing button A does not produce the result described on page 83 (right column), your meter may not be responding quickly enough. Try using a larger capacitor, or multiple capacitors in parallel?

Please notify me if you still have problems. You can use this address to reach me directly:

Anonymous  Nov 13, 2015  Dec 11, 2015
Page 84
Experiment 10, “What you will need” list

Please correct me if I am wrong...

the list of needed components for Experiment 10 indicates two 470 ohm resistors are needed, but in conducting the experiment only one 470 ohm resistor is used.

The list of needed resistors (Figure 6-1) on page 318 does show the correct quantity of 470 ohm resistors needed for Chapter two experiments though.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The error report is correct. On page 84, left column, last line, delete


and substitute


as the quantity for 470-ohm resistor.

Arthur Kanzler  Sep 13, 2020  Nov 20, 2020
Page 94
Left column

On page 94 left column, the paragraph says "C1 has started to charge in the opposite direction, through R1. Gradually this is increasing the voltage on the base of Q2."

Is that right?

I was expecting it to say something more like: C2 has started to charge on its right side through r2, while the voltage on the base of Q2 is increasing.

Reply from
"Thanks for your email. You're right: your phrasing is more precise.

I appreciate you taking the trouble to point it out.

Charles Platt"

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 94, left column, first paragraph, delete the last sentence beginning with the word "Gradually..." and substitute:

As the voltage on the right side of C1 increases, so does the voltage on the base of Q2.

Anonymous  May 03, 2017  Oct 06, 2017
Printed, PDF
Page 97
Figure 2-120

Figure 2-120 the blue cable that is to the right of the 1k resistor near the speaker

The blue cable is trying to connect one of the holes in the columns to the power bar. However there is no hole in the negative power bar where you show it connected. Its one of the areas of the breadboard that isolate parts of the breadboard.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. I will supply a new version of Figure 2-120.

David Quiroz  Jan 22, 2017  Oct 06, 2017
Page 157
Multiple paragraphs, left column

Ref Figures 4-23 and 4-26. In 4-26, the value of R2 is shown along the top of the table. The value of R2 is the 10K resistor plus the value of the 100K trimpot per figure 4-23 and 2nd paragraph of Pg 156. Value of C1 is .022uF per 4-23. Given those values, shouldn't the output frequency of the speaker be ~300Hz to 2.2K? ~300Hz @ 110K (R2 = 100K trimpot + 10K resistor), and 2.2kHz @ 10K (R2 = 0K trimpot + 10K resistor). However, the left column on page 157 describes the frequency range as 300Hz to 1.2kHz in multiple places.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. On page 157, left column:

First paragraph, fourth line, change 1,200 to 2,200.
Third paragraph, last line, change 1,200Hz to 2,200Hz.
Fourth paragraph, last line, change 1,200Hz to 2,200Hz.
Fourth paragraph, last line, change 1.2kHz to 2.2kHz.

Anonymous  Dec 11, 2015  Jul 08, 2016
Page 162
page bottom first and second columns

first column :
"100 microF capacitor connected between pin 6 and ground"

second column ;
"double the value of the 100 microF capacitor on pin 6"

Either the pin number is 5 or the capacitor is 0.1 microF !

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 162, column 1, last paragraph, delete "pin 6" and substitute "pin 5."

Page 162, column 2, second bullet point, delete "pin 6" and substitute "pin 5."

TEILHAC  Feb 21, 2016  Jul 08, 2016
, Printed
Page 167
3rd paragraph

In the sentence: It holds the base of the resistor at a low voltage...
Should resistor be transistor?

Note from the Author or Editor:
On page 167, third para, 8th line, change "resistor" to "transistor."

Gregg Higham  Jan 03, 2017  Oct 06, 2017
Page 178
Last bullet point.

(I believe I have the eighth release of the second edition)

One of the suggested part numbers for a seven segment LED is Lite-On's LTS-546AWC.

The LTS-546AWC is a COMMOM ANODE seven segment LED. The corresponding schematics/diagrams for this section show a COMMON CATHODE part being used.

A suitable replacement might be the Lite-On LTS-5003AWC.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 178, column 2, line 5, I deleted LTS-546AWC and substituted LTS-5003AWC.

For consistency, the same change is required on page 323, column 2, second paragraph, last line. Deleted LTS-546AWC and substituted LTS-5003AWC.

Anonymous  May 09, 2018  Sep 07, 2018
Printed, Other Digital Version
Page 179
Figure 4-62

On Figure 4-62 the long vertical YELLOW wire is on the second column while the shorter PINK wire is on the third column.
In Figures 4-69 and others of the same circuit, where these wires are grayed out for clarity, they are REVERSED.
Since it makes more sense to have them as Figures 4-69, etc. show them, I assume that they should be the same way here.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct, although the functionality of the circuit is not affected. It will be less confusing if the schematic in Figure 4-62 is changed to match the layout in Figure 4-69. I will deal with this.

Jose Gonzalez-Gigato  May 04, 2016  Jul 08, 2016
Page 186
Row 2 of the breadboard in Figure 4-72

The jumper cable in the second row just under the negative connection on the breadboard on figure 4-72 is grey as if it was already placed on the breadboard before this step.

However this i a new jumper cable that has to be placed during this adjustment as the other blue cables in row 2 of the breadboard. Found this while I looking for why my circuit is not working as intended in this step.

I have the thirteenth release of the second edition which might not be the most recent one but it is quite recent.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The error report is corrrect, and Figure 4-72 must be updated.

Balazs Szabo  Aug 15, 2020  Nov 20, 2020
Page 188
Figure 4-75 and accompanying text

"Timer 3" is used as a name for both the monostable and astable timers. One of these should be "Timer 1".

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader's description of the error is correct.

In Figure 4-75, "Timer 3" in the bottom panel of the figure must be changed to "Timer 1."

James  Jun 01, 2019  Jul 19, 2019
Printed, PDF, ePub, Mobi, , Other Digital Version
Page 203
right column, 7th paragraph, top line

Note from the Author or Editor:
Removed "C, D, and E"

And substituted in "B, C, and D"

Also made this same change in the 8th paragraph.

Justin Billing  Aug 29, 2018  Sep 07, 2018
Page 205
Figure 4-107 and 4-108

A minor issue with the color coding of the 1 meg resistor in both figures, it is labeled correctly but the color coding is wrong.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader's description of the error is correct.

Frank  Jun 12, 2019  Jul 19, 2019
Page 214
Figure 4-119. Trigger input is blue. It should be red.

Trigger input is blue. It should be red in Figure 4-119 and probably 4-121.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is referring to the little blue circle on pin 2 of the 555 timer chip in Figure 4-119 and 4-121. The circle should be red, for consistency. This does not affect the functionality of the circuit. Replacements for these figures should be included in the next printing of the book.

Dana Hirsch  Nov 22, 2015  Dec 11, 2015
Page 224

In Figure 4-138 74HC393 is referenced as a 'decade' counter, based on the rest of the experiment it is a binary counter.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The erratum report is correct. On page 224, in the figure caption, delete the word "decade."

Darrel Dronet  Jun 12, 2020  Aug 14, 2020
Page 227
2nd Paragraph

Under the Modulus Heading, instructions to disconnect the Pullup resistor are given when the resistor in question is a pulldown resistor.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader's description of the error is correct.

On page 227 of the printed edition, first line of text under "The Modulus" subhead, change the word "pullup" to "pulldown."

Frank  Jun 12, 2019  Jul 19, 2019
Page 229
4th paragraph

Really a nit-pick, but I can tell that so much effort has gone into precise language in the book that I'll note it. The paragraph states that two more logic gates have been added. Three were actually added, the NOR gate and TWO two-input OR gates.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The erratum report is correct. On page 229, fourth paragraph, second line, instead of "a couple" substitute the word "three."

Darrel Dronet  Jun 12, 2020  Aug 14, 2020
Page 254
1st Paragraph

Heading for paragraph is as follow : Theory: Sound, Slectricity, and Sound

I believe this should Electricity

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader's description of the error is correct.

On page 254, subhead, change "Slectricity" to "Electricity."

Frank  Jun 12, 2019  Jul 19, 2019
Page 258
1st paragraph

It's not specifically noted to release the first button (A) after the capacitor is charged before pressing the right-hand button (B). Continuing to press button A and then pressing button B would of course be unfortunate for the LEDs.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The erratum report is correct. On page 258, left column, the second sentence beginning on the top line should read:

Release button A and press button B, and the capacitor discharges through the upper LED.

Darrel Dronet  Jun 17, 2020  Aug 14, 2020
Page 262
2nd column 7th paragraph

sound from the 555 passes through C4 on its way to the amplifier
should read....
sound from the 555 passes through C4 on its way to the loudspeaker

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader's description of the error is correct.

PETER RIPARD  Jun 16, 2019  Jul 19, 2019
Page 265
second column, first paragraph, last line.

"using positive end of capacitor C6 as your input point"

if it's for testing the LM386 as an amplifier,
it should be capacitor C5 instead of C6

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. On page 265 of the print edition, second column, first paragraph, last line, C6 should be changed to C5.

TEILHAC  Mar 29, 2016  Jul 08, 2016
Page 295
3rd paragraph

'but the LED stays on for a while' should read 'but the LED stays OFF for a while'. The intent of the hysteresis in this case is to keep the LED off until the temperature has cooled.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The erratum report is correct. The text should read,

but the LED stays off for a while

Darrel Dronet  Jun 17, 2020  Aug 14, 2020
Page 312
Above Experiment 1: Taste the Power!

Page number of error describes the location as reported by Kindle for PC.

Contains the text...

PRODUCTION: Please insert ruler line here and before each new experiment (Experiment 2, Experiment 3, etc) as experiments will not begin on new pages.

Anonymous  Sep 19, 2015  Aug 07, 2015
Page 317
bullet point at bottom of 2nd column

bullet point suggests buying 680K resistors but they are not listed in Figure 6-1 and don't appear to be required for any experiments

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. On page 317, bullet-pointed paragraph, remove the reference to 680K resistors in the list of values.

geekGee  Dec 07, 2015  Jul 08, 2016
Page 317
Bulleted List of resistors

This list does not include 680 ohm resistors, but they are used multiple times in the book, and are listed in the resistor table on the next page

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 317, bullet-pointed paragraph, fourth line, after the word "ohms," at the beginning of the line, insert "680 ohms," while retaining the rest of the values in the line.

Anonymous  Apr 23, 2017  Oct 06, 2017
Page 317
Resistor List top left

No mention of quantities needed for "all projects in this book" for resistors of 100 ohm and 150 ohm values in bulleted paragraph.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 317, right column, bullet-pointed paragraph, third line, after "47 ohms," insert

100 ohms, 150 ohms,

Ron Wismer  Jun 23, 2017  Oct 06, 2017
Page 318
2nd column bullet point

10μF is mentioned twice for quantities to purchase... both 5 and 10.

0.1μF and 33μF listed in Figure 6-2 but not mentioned in bullet point.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. On page 318, second column, in the bullet-pointed list:

On line 4 of the list, remove 10uF,
On line 5 of the list, change to read: "so get at least 10 of values 0.01uF, 0.1uF, and 10uF."
Immediately before the last sentence in the list, insert this sentence: "You need one of value 33uF."

Substitute the mu symbol in my corrections above, instead of letter u, before F.

geekGee  Dec 07, 2015  Jul 08, 2016
Page 320
Figure 6-4

Potentiometer 10K is listed in Figure 6-4 on page 320. However, this does not match the 1K potentiometer mentioned in the 2nd column, 4th paragraph on the same page, or Figure 6-3 listed on the previous page 319.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The table in Figure 6-4 will be updated so that Potentiometer 10K is changed to Potentiometer 1K.

gpjohno1  Feb 28, 2016  Jul 08, 2016
Page 514
Fundamentals: Ampere Basics, 1st paragraph.

Page number of error describes the location as reported by Kindle for PC.

each microamp being 1/1,1000th of a milliamp.

Should be...

each microamp being 1/1,000th of a milliamp.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader's description of the error is correct. It appears on page 15 of the printed book.

Anonymous  Sep 19, 2015  Oct 23, 2015