
Ruby Pocket Reference

Errata for Ruby Pocket Reference

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 31
example in "statement modifier for while"

The sum variable doesn't belong in the example.


sum = 0


cash += 1.00, sum while cash < 1_000_000


cash += 1.00 while cash < 1_000_000

Page 32
third paragraph

The book says that when using a case statement "the logic of == is assumed". I'm pretty sure the === (triple equals, not double) is used because you can test the class of an object. For example, the following returns true:

case 65
when Fixnum: true
else false

which is only possible if === is used.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This information submitted is correct according to p. 106 of The Ruby Programming Language by Matz and David Flanagan. However, if a class inherits from Object, == is invoked instead.

Alex Reisner  Nov 04, 2009 
Page 45-46
rolling dice example

From: Adri&#65533;n Mugnolo <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 16:10:25 -0300
Subject: Ruby Pocket Reference, examples on pages 45-46


I originally sent this email regarding your Learning Ruby title and,
was acknowledged by the author. Now that I have a copy of Ruby Pocket
Reference in my hands I see the same code example listed on two pages.

Mathematically correct and idiomatic Ruby for this example should be
something like:

module Dice
def roll
r1 = rand(6) + 1
r2 = rand(6) + 1
total = r1 + r2
puts "You rolled #{r1} and #{r2} (#{total})."

class Game
include Dice

g =

Hope this helps to improve any upcoming edition of both books.


Adri&#65533;n Mugnolo

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Adri&#65533;n Mugnolo <>
> Date: December 24, 2007 8:05:11 PM GMT-03:00
> To:
> Subject: Learning Ruby, examples 9-12 and 9-13
> Hi,
> Just a few lines about some issues with the "Learning Ruby" title,
> examples 9-12 and 9-13.
> Looks like the author/editor suspected something about the examples:
> "(...) Admittedly, it may not be the most efficient way to guarantee
> a nonzero result, but it works".
> According to Ruby's documentation: "(...) [Kernel#rand] returns a
> pseudorandom integer greater than or equal to zero and less than
> [the parameter] max1".
> The examples 9-12 and 9-13 have these lines in common:
> r_1 = rand(6); r_2 = rand(6)
> r1 = r_1 > 0 ? r_1 : 1; r2 = r_2 > 0 ? r_2 : 1
> total = r1 + r2
> IMO, they present several conceptual mistakes:
> 1. The dice model is "loaded" for 1. The frequency for 1 is 1/3 --
> twice the correct 1/6.
> 2. The dice model has face 6 missing. Because Kernel#rand will
> never return 6, total can't exceed 10.
> 3. Use of unneeded variable pairs with very similar names (r_1 and
> r1, r_2 and r2).
> 4. Contrived examples in a book meant for beginners, etc.
> Let me suggest a simpler replacement:
> r1 = rand(6) + 1 # Kernel#rand returns an integer between 0 and n - 1.
> r2 = rand(6) + 1 # Then, increment returned value by one.
> total = r1 + r2
> Other than that, the book is great. I am an long-time fan of
> everything O'Reilly: publications, conferences, etc. I spotted this
> problem while reviewing this title to be used as an introductory
> textbook on Ruby, OOP and general programming.
> Hope this helps to improve an upcoming edition.
> Best regards
> --
> Adri&#65533;n Mugnolo
> Giro54

Anonymous  Jul 14, 2008 
Page 45-46
rolling dice example

Mathematically correct and idiomatic Ruby for this example should be
something like:

module Dice
def roll
r1 = rand(6) + 1
r2 = rand(6) + 1
total = r1 + r2
puts "You rolled #{r1} and #{r2} (#{total})."

class Game
include Dice

g =

Page 65
First line after paragraph heading "Number of operands"

Different operands take different numbers of operands.

should be:

Different operators take different numbers of operands.

Anonymous    Sep 01, 2007
Page 99

This is not as much an error as an omission: the Array#detect method is not documented.

Anonymous  Nov 07, 2008 
Page 109
Third line from bottom

The method name should be each_pair, not each_key.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This is correct. The method each_key (third line from the bottom of 109) should be each_pair.

Page 110
First line

The method name should be each_value, not each_key.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This is correct.

The method name on the first line of p. 110 should be: each_value.
