
SOA in Practice

Errata for SOA in Practice

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page iv
Top, right below the book title

s/by Nicloai M. Josuttis/by Nicolai M. Josuttis/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page xiv
Acknowledgments; 2nd paragraph

Alan Lenton is listed twice in the second paragraph of the acknowledgments. Remove the first because "Alan Lenton" is correct after "Gregor Hohpe".

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 9
5th paragraph

I'm missing the reference [Brooks74] in the references section.

On page 286 there is only BPMN, BrownEllis04 and Butek03; the reference above isn't cited.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 9: Replace [Brooks74] by [Brooks95]

Page 286 (References): between [BPMN] and [BrownEllis04] add:
Brooks, Frederick P. 1995. <i>The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition)</i>. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 32
Paragraph in 3.3.7

s/contain a category of "s services"/contain a category of "composed services"/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 48
before quote

s/As [Chappel04] states:/As [Chappell04] states:/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 58
before quote

s/Or, as [Chappel04] states:/Or, as [Chappell04] states:/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 59
2nd list item

The sentence says "Its purpose is to provide interoperability (connectivity, data mapping, and routing) combined...", but it should be "...interoperability (connectivity, data TRANSFORMATION, and routing) combined..." as noted on page 48 and on page 296 glossary: ESB.

Note from the Author or Editor:
accept as proposed, thus:
in the 2nd list item:
s/data mapping/data transformation/

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 89
Listing page 89 bottom / page 90 top

The BPEL example uses invalid XML comments (they should start with "<!--" instead of "<!-"). This happens 4 times!

In addition, the 7 occurrences of dots ("..."; with and without quotation marks) are all placeholders for concrete stuff so that a proportional font such as "..." would be better for them.

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 94
7.5.1 (last paragraph on page)


Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 111
2nd paragraph

s/"s department" /"process department"/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 112
Figure 9-2

s/BMP Engine/BPM Engine/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009 
Page 113
Figure 9-3

s/BMP Engine/BPM Engine/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009 
Page 160
in Figure 13-1

on the right side below "process request"
s/Serialize request/Serialize response/

Keep "Serialize request" on top left as it is.

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009 
Page 160
end of first paragraph:

Replace "in the opposite order" by "in the opposite direction"

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 192
pseudocode bottom 192 and top 193

Of course, the service should have the customer id as an additional parameter, which has to be used internally to identify the customer.
Thus, the code should be as follows
(custID 5 times with or without comma added)

string changeAddress (custID, newAddress)
oldAddress = backend_1.getAddress(custID);

status = backend_1.changeAddress(custID,newAddress);
if (status == failure) {
return "couldn't modify address in backend 1";

status = backend_2.changeAddress(custID,newAddress);
if (status == failure) {
// compensation: restore old address to keep consistency
status = backend_1.changeAddress(custID,oldAddress);
if (status == failure) {
return "couldn't modify address in backend 2";
return "OK";

In addition, use proportional font for the ellipsis (...) in the listing.

Note from the Author or Editor:
please care for exact indents.
Keep them just as they are.
Just add "custID" or "custID," 5 times.
Just use proportional font for ellipsis.

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 195
1st paragraph

fix "isn":
s/shopping cart (or session) isn the backend/shopping cart (or session) in the backend/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 204

"remove "of" as follows:
s/a key, a value, a type of information for the value/a key, a value, a type information for the value/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 210
last but 2nd paragraph

s/Discovery, and Innovation (UDDI)/Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 240
Figure 18-2

in the top right:

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009 
Page 256
listing on the bottom

last line but 1:

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 257
code on the top AND Figure 18-13

both in code at the top and Figure 18-13:
the order of
should be reversed.

Note that Figure 18-13 is a screen dump by me (the author),
so you probably need an update for that by me.

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009 
Page 265
1st paragraph in 19.2.2

s/and it might by steered by a/and it might be steered by a/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 274
3rd paragraph in 19.5.1

s/Ann Thomas Manes/Anne Thomas Manes/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 286

Chappell is written wrong twice:
replace [Chappel04] by [Chappell04] and
replace Chappel, David A. by Chappell, David A.

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009
Page 295
entry "Compensation"

s/In contract to/In contrast to/

Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis
Jun 02, 2009  Jun 01, 2009