2019 Emerging AI Pioneers Showcase winners

AI startups vied for awards at the O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in San Jose.

By Roger Chen
September 16, 2019
2019 Emerging AI Pioneers Showcase winners 2019 Emerging AI Pioneers Showcase winners

Last week at the O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in San Jose, a select group of innovators participated in the Emerging AI Pioneers Showcase. Entrepreneurs and researchers discussed the latest work in cutting edge areas like AutoML, data programming, synthetic data generation, and more.

As part of the event, participating startups vied for a couple of awards. The Judge’s Award was selected by a panel of judges that included experienced founders and venture capitalists. The People’s Choice Award was based on a popular vote open to all conference attendees.

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Gong won the Judge’s Award after careful deliberation. Gong uses artificial intelligence (AI)  to help sales teams improve customer interactions. Already, their products have helped more than 350 customers meaningfully increase revenue by improving sales performance. Their product is powered by conversation intelligence technology that studies sales calls, web conferences, and emails to help sales leaders understand how to make the winning pitch.

LexSet received the People’s Choice award after tallying the most votes from conference attendees. Building high-performance AI models requires high-quality data, which can be hard to come by. LexSet’s synthetic data technology solves this challenge by creating custom computer vision training datasets using 3D models simulated in a variety of conditions. LexSet is working with customers to enable autonomous machines, starting with indoor environments.

This 2019 edition of the O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in San Jose featured a wealth of content on the latest in AI innovations. It drew the largest crowd yet and it was filled with considerable energy as attendees networked and learned from one another. Our next conference will be in London, Oct. 14-17. We hope to see you there.

Post topics: Artificial Intelligence