How do I configure access policies within Amazon’s Elasticsearch Service (ES)?

Learn to configure the access policies crucial to working successfully with the Amazon Elasticsearch service.

By Frank Kane
June 27, 2017
Screen from "How do I configure access policies within Amazon's Elasticsearch Service (ES)?" Screen from "How do I configure access policies within Amazon's Elasticsearch Service (ES)?" (source: O'Reilly)

Amazon Elasticsearch (ES) access policies have two key requirements: Protect the ES cluster from unauthorized access and allow access to the cluster from curl or Kibana. In this video, Amazon veteran Frank Kane teaches you how to configure access policies that meet both needs by only permitting access to specific IAM users, specific accounts, or specific IP addresses.

Get up to speed on all of the crucial requirements, capabilities, and quirks of Amazon Elasticsearch in Frank Kane’s introduction to this powerful big data service.

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