The MPEG-2 Codec

11.1 Extending the Range of Capabilities

The MPEG-2 codec is credited with making the digital television and DVD industries possible. Certainly these were not feasible with MPEG-1. The coding support has been enhanced to include MPEG-2 HD for high-definition TV applications. The profiles and levels supported by MPEG-2 are summarized in Appendix F.

MPEG-2 is designed to run on a much wider variety of networks and carriage mechanisms than MPEG-1. MPEG-1 was designed to run in error-free environments such as CD-ROMs.

Although MPEG-1 was successful when it was deployed, it did not deliver all the requirements for broadcasting a TV service. To be fair, it was not designed to do that since it was intended as a delivery format for ...

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