Chapter 12. Built-in Functions and Statements
VBA has a large number of built-in functions and statements. For possible reference, Table 12-1 shows the VBA functions, and Table 12-2 shows the statements. We will take a look at a few of the more commonly used functions and statements in this chapter and the next.
Abs | CreateObject | Error | InputB | Len | PPmt | StrComp |
Array | CSng | Exp | InputBox | LenB | PV | StrConv |
Asc | CStr | FileAttr | InStr | LoadPicture | QBColor | String |
AscB | CurDir | FileDateTime | InStrB | Loc | Rate | Switch |
AscW | Cvar | FileLen | Int | LOF | RGB | SYD |
Atn | CVDate | Fix | Ipmt | Log | Right | Tab |
CBool | CVErr | Format | IRR | Ltrim | RightB | Tan |
CByte | Date | FreeFile | IsArray | Mid | Rnd | Time |
CCur | DateAdd | FV | IsDate | MidB | RTrim | Timer |
CDate | DateDiff | GetAllSettings | IsEmpty | Minute | Second | TimeSerial |
CDbl | DatePart | GetAttr | IsError | MIRR | Seek | TimeValue |
CDec | DateSerial | GetAutoServerSettings | IsMissing | Month | Sgn | Trim |
Choose | DateValue | GetObject | IsNull | MsgBox | Shell | TypeName |
Chr | Day | GetSetting | IsNumeric | Now | Sin | UBound |
ChrB | DDB | Hex | IsObject | Nper | SLN | UCase |
ChrW | Dir | Hour | Lbound | NPV | Space | Val |
CInt | DoEvents | Iif | Lcase | Oct | Spc | VarType |
CLng | Environ | IMEStatus | Left | Partition | Sqr | Weekday |
Command | EOF | Input | LeftB | Pmt | Str | Year |
Cos |
AppActivate | DefDec | Error | Kill | Open | Randomize | Set |
Beep | DefInt | Event | Let | Option Base | ReDim | SetAttr |
Call | DefLng | Exit | Line Input # | Option Compare | Rem | Static |
ChDir | DefObj | FileCopy | Load | Option Explicit | Reset | Stop |
ChDrive | DefSng | For Each...Next | Lock | Option Private | Resume | Sub |
Close | DefStr | For...Next | LSet | Print # | Return | Time |
Const | DefVar | Function | Mid | Private | RmDir | Type |
Date | DeleteSetting | Get | MidB | Property Get | RSet | Unload |
Declare | Dim | GoSub...Return | MkDir | Property Let | SavePicture ... |
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