The LIBRARY Relational Database
We can now complete the implementation of the LIBRARY relational database (without the CONTRIBUTORS entity class) in Microsoft Access. If you open the LIBRARY database in Microsoft Access, you will see four tables:
(The LIBRARY_FLAT table is not used in the relational database.)
These four tables correspond to the following four entity classes (or table schemes):
Authors (AuID,AuName,AuPhone)
Book/Author (ISBN,AuID)
Books (ISBN,Title,PubID,Price)
Publishers (PubID, PubName, PubPhone)
The actual tables are shown in Table 3.3 through Table 3.6.
Table 3-3. The AUTHORS Table from the Access LIBRARY Database
AuID |
AuName |
AuPhone |
1 |
Austen |
111-111-1111 |
10 |
Jones |
123-333-3333 |
11 |
Snoopy |
321-321-2222 |
12 |
Grumpy |
321-321-0000 |
13 |
Sleepy |
321-321-1111 |
2 |
Melville |
222-222-2222 |
3 |
Homer |
333-333-3333 |
4 |
Roman |
444-444-4444 |
5 |
Shakespeare |
555-555-5555 |
6 |
Joyce |
666-666-6666 |
7 |
Spenser |
777-777-7777 |
8 |
Mill |
888-888-8888 |
9 |
Smith |
123-222-2222 |
Table 3-4. The BOOK/AUTHOR Table from the LIBRARY Database
AuID |
0-103-45678-9 |
3 |
0-11-345678-9 |
2 |
0-12-333433-3 |
8 |
0-12-345678-9 |
1 |
0-123-45678-0 |
6 |
0-321-32132-1 |
11 |
0-321-32132-1 |
12 |
0-321-32132-1 |
13 |
0-55-123456-9 |
9 |
0-55-123456-9 |
10 |
0-555-55555-9 |
5 |
0-91-045678-5 |
5 |
0-91-335678-7 |
7 |
0-99-777777-7 |
5 |
0-99-999999-9 |
1 |
1-1111-1111-1 |
4 |
1-22-233700-0 |
4 |
Table 3-5. The BOOKS Table from the LIBRARY Database
Title |
PubID |
Price |
0-12-333433-3 |
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