Appendix 2: Solving the ERB Equation

To find the center frequency of the auditory filter whose critical bandwidth or ERB is equal to a given value, the ERB equation (Equation 2.6), which relates the critical bandwidth to the center frequency of the filter (fc), can be rearranged as follows.

Equation 2.6 states the following.

ERB = {24.7 3 [(4.37 3 fc) + 1]} Hz (A2.1)
  • where fc = the filter center frequency in kHz
  •    ERB = the equivalent rectangular bandwidth in Hz
  •       equation valid for (100 Hz < ƒc < 10,000 Hz)

Rearranging step by step to find fc as a function of ERB:

ERB 24.7 =(4.37× f c )+1


( ERB 24.7 )-1=(4.37×  f c )


[ ( ERB 24.7 )1 4.37

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