9.3. Inserting Special Whitespace Characters
You want to add whitespace characters such as tabs or newline characters to your string.
Use the escape sequences for the special characters.
There are five special whitespace characters with escape sequences, as shown in Table 9-1.
Table 9-1. Whitespace escape sequences
Whitespace character |
Escape sequence |
Newline |
\n |
Tab |
\t |
Backspace |
\b |
Form feed |
\f |
Carriage return |
\r |
You can use these escape sequences within a string. They are most useful when displaying a string value in a text field:
// Results in a string value: these words are separated by tabs myString = "these\twords\tare\tseparated\tby\ttabs"; /* Results in a string value: these words are separated by newlines */ myString = "these\nwords\nare\nseparated\nby\nnewlines";
ActionScript also provides a constant, newline
which can be used in place of the \n escape sequence. The result is
the same:
/* Results in a string value: two lines */ myString = "two" + newline + "lines";
Within Flash, the newline, form feed, and carriage return characters all result in the same display. However, when you load content into Flash from external sources, some values will have newline characters, some will have form feeds, and some will have carriage returns.
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