A Complex ADSI Example

Example 26-2 is an example of a real-life problem that gets asked nearly every week in the Microsoft newsgroups: how to delegate the ability to unlock an account, reset a password, and set the flag that the account must change password on the next logon.

Example 26-2. Delegating unlock, password reset, and must change password flag

 Option Explicit '************************************************************************** 'Modify these to change your trustee and target for the ACL mod '************************************************************************** Const TRUSTEE="AMER\PasswordAdmin" Const OBJPATH="ou=myOU,dc=amer,dc=mycorp,dc=com" '************************************************************************** 'Attribute, Class, Control Access Right constants '************************************************************************** Const ATTRIB_LOCKOUTTIME_GUID = "{28630EBF-41D5-11D1-A9C1-0000F80367C1}" Const ATTRIB_PWDLASTSET_GUID = "{BF967A0A-0DE6-11D0-A285-00AA003049E2}" Const CLASS_USER_GUID = "{BF967ABA-0DE6-11D0-A285-00AA003049E2}" Const CAR_RESETPWD_GUID = "{00299570-246D-11D0-A768-00AA006E0529}" '************************************************************************** 'AccessMask constants '************************************************************************** Const ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ = &H80000000 Const ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000 Const ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE = &H20000000 Const ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL = &H10000000 Const ...

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