Chapter 1. What's New in InDesign CS4
In This Chapter
Improving your ability to track placed images
Scaling and transforming just got easier
Aligning objects is better with smart guides
Checking for production errors while you work
Creating multiple placed images in seconds
Improving integration with Flash
InDesign CS4 is packed with great features that both new and experienced users are excited about. These new features are sure to save you lots of time and help you create more dynamic pieces directly in InDesign. In this chapter, you discover some of these features and find references to chapters within this minibook that you can go to for more details. This chapter doesn't do justice to show the new features in a list format, so look for descriptions of many additional new features in relevant chapters throughout this minibook.
Placing and Tracking Your Images Better than Before
Want to know if your image is missing the latest version, or where it's being used? You could always reference the Links panel for this, but in InDesign CS4, you can choose Window
You'll love the Panel Options available by selecting the panel menu in the upper-right corner of the Links panel, as shown in Figure 1-1. Notice that the Links panel already has the ppi (pixels per inch) and larger-sized thumbnails already selected.
Figure 1-1. The new Links panel offers more information.
Also notice in Figure 1-1 that the ...
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