Chapter 7. Creating Tables

In This Chapter

  • Creating tables

  • Manipulating rows, columns, and cells

  • Selecting tables and cells

  • Changing colors of a table or cells

  • Adding and importing your content

Tables are great for presenting data, such as schedules and pricing, and can be helpful in instances where you're trying to arrange elements in a tabular format.

In this chapter, you find out how to create a table and make changes that alter the look of the table. Tables are also used as an alternate method for creating page layouts.

Working with Tables

When you think of a table, think of a grid that has multiple cells in it, much like a spreadsheet. Tables are used in HTML pages so that elements can be contained and positioned within specific cells. You can change the colors of cells in tables, divide or span the cells (that is, combine them with other cells), and apply borders to them.

In some cases, you don't actually see the table itself because you can place content into row and column form without showing the table itself; in this case, the table is just a formatting tool. When you create a table, you can determine how many rows and columns it contains. You can also choose to span rows and columns to create unique tables, as shown in Figure 7-1.

To create a table in Dreamweaver, follow these steps:

  1. Working with Tables

    Alternatively, you can choose Insert

    Figure 7-1. A table with rows and columns merged.

    Figure 7-2. Set ...

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