Chapter 7
Wielding the Pen and Anchor Point Tools
Understanding the foundational role of the Pen tool
Drawing curves
Adding, deleting, moving, and connecting anchors
Editing anchors with the Anchor Point tool
In this chapter, I show you how to use the Pen tool to draw, use the Direct Selection tool to select and move anchors, and use the Anchor Point tool to tweak curves you've created with any tool (even shapes).
These techniques can be used to create a drawing from scratch. More typically, you will deploy them later in the design process, after you use quicker and easier — but less precise — tools to rough out your illustration.
A typical workflow (to the extent that there is such a thing) might start with one of the basic shape tools (see Chapter 4) or with the Pencil, Curvature, or Paintbrush tools (see Chapter 8). Or you might draw a sketch on a mobile device in Adobe Draw — Adobe’s free app for sketching vectors on iOS or Android devices — bring that sketch into Illustrator, and then touch it up using the Pen tool with the techniques I cover in this chapter. ...
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