

3D, Photoshop, 12


AATC (Adobe Authorized Training Centers), 15

Add Layer Mask icon, 159

Adjustment Brush tool. See also brushes

lightening teeth, 129

softening skin, 133134

using, 104106

adjustment layers

changing colors, 188191

Curves, 247248, 291

using, 161162, 190


applying with Graduated Filter tool, 97100

Lightroom, 9

making with Photoshop, 11

pin tips and tricks, 107

turning off and on, 68

Adobe. See also raw files

Camera Raw, 9

Creative Cloud app, 152153

Landscape color profile, 70

Neutral color profile, 70

Photoshop Elements, 148, 150

Portrait color profile, 70

Raw Profiles, 69

resources, 1415

RGB color space, 145146

Vivid color profile, 70

Amount slider, Detail panel, 81

anchor points, setting, 182 ...

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