19. Designing for the Web and Devices

What You’ll Do

Save for the Web

Work with Save For Web Options

Optimize an Image to File Size

Work with Web File Formats

Optimize a JPEG Document

Optimize a GIF Document

Optimize a PNG-8 Document

Optimize a PNG-24 Document

Optimize a WBMP Document

Create an Animated GIF

Work with Animation

Slice Images the Easy Way

Work with Slices

Arrange Slices

Define and Edit Web Data Variables

Export Directly to Video

Export to Zoomify


If you need to manipulate a photographic image, there’s not a better program on the market than Adobe Photoshop that will do the job for you. In previous versions of Photoshop, you needed to use ImageReady to prepare images for the Internet. Now you can do it all right ...

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