8.12. Loading Data into and Binding a Field to a Windows Forms Control


You need to load a value from a field in a result set into a Windows Forms control.


Directly assign the value to one of the control properties or add a DataBinding to the control. This solution demonstrates both techniques.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a C# Windows Forms application named LoadDataWindowsFormControl.

  2. Add the following controls to the Form1 design surface:

    • Label with the Text property = DepartmentID:

    • TextBox named departmentIDTextBox

    • Label with the Text property = DepartmentName1:

    • TextBox named departmentNameTextBox1

    • Label with the Text property = DepartmentName2:

    • TextBox named departmentNameTextBox2

    • Button named getNameButton with Text property = Get Name

The completed layout of the Windows Form named Form1 is shown in Figure 8-23.

Layout for Form1 in LoadDataWindowsFormControl solution

Figure 8-23. Layout for Form1 in LoadDataWindowsFormControl solution

The C# code in Form1.cs in the project LoadDataWindowsFormControl is shown in Example 8-24. The solution loads a DataTable with records from the HumanResources.Department table in AdventureWorks. A DataView is created from the DataTable and it sort order is set to the DepartmentID field. A BindingManager object named bm is set to the BindingContext of the DataView. A DataBinding is added to the TextBox named departmentTextBox2, binding it to the Name field in the DataView. Both department name text boxes ...

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