12.4. Creating an Aggregate Function


You need to create a CLR aggregate function.


This solution creates, registers, and executes a user-defined aggregate function that returns the sum of a SqlMoney column in a table. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new SQL Server project in Visual Studio and name it ClrAggregateFunction.

  2. Create an aggregate item in the project. Name the item SumMoney.cs.

  3. The C# code in SumMoney.cs in the project ClrAggregateFunction is shown in Example 12-7.

    Example 12-7. SumMoney.cs

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Data.SqlTypes;
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
    public struct SumMoney
        private SqlMoney sum;
        public void Init(  )
            sum = 0;
        public void Accumulate(SqlMoney Value)
            sum += Value;
        public void Merge(SumMoney Group)
            sum += Group.sum;
        public SqlMoney Terminate(  )
            return sum;
  4. Build the solution.

  5. Register the assembly and create the aggregate function by executing the following T-SQL statement in SQL Server Management Studio, replacing <path> appropriately:

    	USE AdventureWorks
    	CREATE ASSEMBLY ClrAggregateFunction
    	FROM '<path>\ClrAggregateFunction\bin\Debug\ClrAggregateFunction.dll'
    	    ( @Value money )
    	RETURNS money
    	EXTERNAL NAME ClrAggregateFunction.SumMoney
  6. Execute the aggregate function on the Sales.SalesOrderHeader table in AdventureWorks:

     SELECT dbo.udfSumMoney(SubTotal), dbo.udfSumMoney(TaxAmt), ...

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