6Forecasting Quarterly Time Series
6.1 Introduction
I have found that all forecast models for the monthly time series, presented in the five previous chapters, can be used for the quarterly time series by replacing the time variable @Month = M with @Quarter = Q for all relevant models. For this reason, this chapter only presents selected illustrative examples. Referring to all possible models based on a single time series Yt, bivariate time series (Xt,Yt) or (Y1t,Y2t), and triple time series (X1t,X2t,Yt) or (Y1t,Y2t,Y3t,), which have been presented in Chapters 1–5 with a summary of alternative trends presented in Table 4.1, then based on a quarterly time series we have the summary of alternative trends as presented in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 Forecast models with specific trends for all models based on a single quarterly time series, bivariate, and triple time series.
Continuous Regressions with Trend | |
Additional Time IV to insert | Forecast Model (FM) with |
1. @Trend | Linear Trend |
2. @Trend ^ 2 @trend | Quadratic Trend |
3. @Trend ^ 3 @Trend ^ 2 @Trend | Cubic Trend |
4. log(@Trend + 1) = log(t) | Logarithmic Trend |
5. Exp(rt) | Exponential Trend, for a fixed selected r |
Regressions with Heterogeneous Trends by @Year | |
6. aQ*@Expand(@Year) @Expand(@Year,@Droplast) | |
7. aQ*@Expand(@Year) aQ ^ 2*@Expand(@Year) @Expand(@Year,@Droplast) | |
8. aQ*@Expand(@Year) aQ ^ 2*@Expand(@Year) Q ^ 3 a @Expand(@Year) @Expand(@Year,@Droplast) | |
Regressions with Heterogeneous Trends by ... |
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