Two Less-Used Applications of Petrophysical CT-Scanning
ABSTRACT. Computerized Tomography (CT) has been used by oil and service companies for over 25 years for looking inside rocks. Although the first applications were for viewing multiphase fluid flow, qualitative and primarily visual characterization, such as examination for mud invasion, inclusion and heterogeneity, soon took precedence. This paper discusses two CT applications which yield quantitative 3D maps of physical attributes pertinent to the core analyst. A bulk density map is derived from dual-energy scans and saturation and/or porosity maps are derived from multiple scans of multi-phase flow. While these applications are more complex than the qualitative ones, careful scanning and appropriate software can get rewarding results. Step-by-step instructions are shown in this paper for applying these two features with appropriate examples and also common pitfalls with precautions and some remedies are discussed.
KEYWORDS: CT, tomography, dual energy, core characterization, saturation mapping
1. Introduction
The petroleum industry has used Computerized Tomography (CT) scanners to evaluate petrophysical and fluid flow properties of reservoir rocks in a nondestructive and cost-effective manner. CT ...
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