
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables.’
Ablation, 439–440
carbon nanostructures, 439–440
inorganic nanostructures, 440
MoS2, SiO2, and Si nanostructures, 440f
Absorber tubes for CST systems
bellows, 68–70
glass cover, 60–63
receiver tube parts, 59f
solar receiver tubes, 59
steel tube, 63–65
vacuum maintenance, 65–68
Absorption power cycles, 172–175
Goswami cycle, 173–175, 174f
Kalina cycle, 172–173, 172f
Advanced control strategies
See also Forecasting
future works, 333–334
optimal operation in solar trough plants, 312–321
optimization of flux distribution in solar tower plants, 322–333
reducing operating costs, 311
Advanced sodium receiver (ASR), 142, 143f–144f
Advanced Trough System (ATS), ...

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