

“Abilene paradox,” 339–340

Abstraction, 259–262, 301–302

Accessibility, 145, 146

Activity change set, 249–250

Actor (in use cases), 171, 174–176

Adaptive, Inc., 362

Adopting practices

EPF and RUP, 357–358

levels of adoption, 346–353

in multiples, 353–356

pilot project, 358–359

prioritizing, 345–346

Agile Data Method, 3

Agile Modeling, 3, 162

Agile Process

and EPF, 367

Agility, 6–8

AIS, 389

Always Be Challenging (ABC), 333

Ambler, Scott, 99, 162, 167

AmbySoft, 362

Analysis classes, 278

Analysis mechanisms, 269

Analysis modeling, 278n

Analysis models, 17, 284


mindset, 135–136

relevant practices for, xix

“Apply patterns gently,” 265n


mindset, 138–139

for pilot project, 358

relevant practices for, xix

Architectural documentation, ...

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