Chapter 8. Savor the JavaScript Library
Your web-application development efforts can substantially benefit from open source JavaScript libraries, if only because they save you time that would otherwise be spent reinventing the wheel. Chapter 6 used the Ajax tools of the powerful Prototype library. The hacks in this chapter use practical controls such as Mac OS X–style login boxes and auto-complete email fields deriving from, an open source JavaScript library that Thomas Fuchs, a software architect in Vienna, Austria, has made available under an MIT-style license (see The library includes an impressive variety of special effects such as shakes, fades, and pulsations, as well as custom controls such as draggables, droppables, and auto-completing input fields. is built upon
Prototype’s Ajax objects. Version 1.5 of, for example, depends on
Prototype v1.4. Thus, to use’s collection of widget controls
and special effects, you must import prototype.js along with scriptaculous.js. Simply use script
tags in your web pages to include these
two files; scriptaculous.js itself
then loads its associated dependent code files, such as controls.js and effects.js. includes dozens of effects and tools. The following hacks will help you get started with this versatile library.
Integrate Visual Effects with an Ajax Application
Include an impressive array ...
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