
About, 4647

Abstract collections of objects: see Generalized queues

Abstract data type (ADT), 127186, 286287, 298, 363365, 384402, 479485

clients: see Clients

implementations: see Implementations

interfaces: see Interfaces

Abstract machine models, 446447, 451452, 454456, 656657

Abstract objects: see Items

Abstract operations, 10, 31, 72, 127132

Adaptive sorting, 258

Addition, 182184, 397402

Address operator (&), 8081

Adel’son-Vel’skii, G., 557

Adjacency lists (graph representation) 121123, 125

Adjacency matrix (graph representation) 120121, 125

Adobe, 249

ADT: see Abstract data type

ADT clients: see Clients

ADT implementations: see Implementations

ADT interfaces: see Interfaces

Aho, A., 65

Ajtai, M., 450

AKS sorting networks, ...

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