Magnetics Kool-Mu material, 397
MAX feedback loop4142
Maximum power point control (MPPC), 477
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), 80, 608
Medium LCD LED backlights, cost and complexity of613614
Megaohm input impedance difference amplifier, 972
Micro Telecommunication Computing Architecture (MicroTCA) specification, 531
Microamp quiescent current, achieving, 67
Microcontroller ADC, upgrading, 719
application circuits719720
Micropower 12-bit ADCs, 761
Micropower ADCs, 769
in small packages, 755
Micropower comparators, 1037
current consumption during switching, 1037
LTC1440 series10371038
Micropower MSOP 10-bit ADC, 745
Micropower oxygen sensor, 904
Micropower thermostat/temperature alarm, 596
Micropower V-F converter797798
Microprocessors ...

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