Analog Design and Simulation Using OrCAD Capture and PSpice, 2nd Edition

Book description

New to this edition: Updated to using OrCAD Release 17.2 and its new features; Coverage of PSPICE extra features: PSpice Designer, PSpice Designer Plus, Modelling Application, PSpice Part Search Symbol Viewer, PSpice Report, Associate PSpice model, New delay functions for Behavioural Simulation Models, New Models, Support for negative values in hysteresis voltage and threshold voltage; A new chapter on PSpice Advanced Analysis

Analog Design and Simulation Using OrCAD Capture and PSpice, Second Edition provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Cadence/OrCAD family of Electronic Design Automation software for analog design and simulation. The book explains how to enter schematics in Capture, set up project types, project libraries and prepare circuits for PSpice simulation. There are chapters on the different analysis types for DC Bias point, DC sweep, AC frequency sweep, Parametric analysis, Temperature analysis, Performance Analysis, Noise analysis, Sensitivity and Monte Carlo simulation. Subsequent chapters explain how the Stimulus Editor is used to define custom analog and digital signals, how the Model Editor is used to view and create new PSpice models and Capture parts and how the Magnetic Parts Editor is used to design transformers and inductors. Other chapters include Analog Behaviorial models, Test Benches as well as how to create hierarchical designs.

The book includes the latest features in the OrCAD 17.2 release and there are exercises with step by step instructions at the end of each chapter that enables the reader to progress based upon their experience and knowledge gained from previous chapters. The author worked for Cadence for over eight years and supported and delivered OrCAD PSpice training courses all over Europe. This book has been endorsed by Cadence.

In addition, there are new chapters on the PSpice Advanced Analysis suite of tools: Sensitivity Analysis, Optimizer, Monte Carlo, and Smoke Analysis.The chapters show how circuit performance can effectively be maximised and optimised for variations in component tolerances, temperature effects, manufacturing yields and component stress.

  • Provides both a comprehensive user guide and a detailed overview of simulation using OrCAD Capture and PSpice
  • Includes worked and ready to try sample designs and a wide range of to-do exercises
  • Covers Capture and PSpice together

Table of contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Preface
  6. Instructions
    1. Limits of OrCAD Demo Lite DVD
    2. Advanced Analysis
  7. Chapter 1: Getting Started
    1. Abstract
    2. 1.1 Starting Capture
    3. 1.2 Creating a PSpice Project
    4. 1.3 Symbols and Parts
    5. 1.4 PSpice Modeling Applications
    6. 1.5 Design Templates
    7. 1.6 Demo Designs
    8. 1.7 Exporting Capture Designs
    9. 1.8 Saving a Project
    10. 1.9 Summary
    11. 1.10 Exercises
    12. 1.11 Extra Library Work
  8. Chapter 2: DC Bias Point Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 2.1 Netlist Generation
    3. 2.2 Displaying Bias Points
    4. 2.3 Save Bias Point
    5. 2.4 Load Bias Point
    6. 2.5 Exercises
  9. Chapter 3: DC Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 3.1 DC Voltage Sweep
    3. 3.2 Markers
    4. 3.3 Exercises
  10. Chapter 4: AC Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 4.1 Simulation Parameters
    3. 4.2 AC Markers
    4. 4.3 Exercises
  11. Chapter 5: Parametric Sweep
    1. Abstract
    2. 5.1 Property Editor
    3. 5.2 Exercises
  12. Chapter 6: Stimulus Editor
    1. Abstract
    2. 6.1 Stimulus Editor Transient Sources
    3. 6.2 User-Generated Time-Voltage Waveforms
    4. 6.3 Simulation Profiles
    5. 6.4 Exercise
  13. Chapter 7: Transient Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 7.1 Simulation Settings
    3. 7.2 Scheduling
    4. 7.3 Check Points
    5. 7.4 Defining a Time-Voltage Stimulus Using Text Files
    6. 7.5 Exercises
  14. Chapter 8: Convergence Problems and Error Messages
    1. Abstract
    2. 8.1 Common Error Messages
    3. 8.2 Establishing a Bias Point
    4. 8.3 Convergence Issues
    5. 8.4 Simulation Settings Options
    6. 8.5 Exercises
  15. Chapter 9: Transformers
    1. Abstract
    2. 9.1 Linear Transformer
    3. 9.2 Nonlinear Transformer
    4. 9.3 Predefined Transformers
    5. 9.4 Exercises
  16. Chapter 10: Monte Carlo Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 10.1 Simulation Settings
    3. 10.2 Adding Tolerance Values
    4. 10.3 Exercises
  17. Chapter 11: Worst Case Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 11.1 Sensitivity Analysis
    3. 11.2 Worst Case Analysis
    4. 11.3 Adding Tolerances
    5. 11.4 Collating Functions
    6. 11.5 Exercise
  18. Chapter 12: Performance Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 12.1 Measurement Functions
    3. 12.2 Measurement Definitions
    4. 12.3 Exercises
  19. Chapter 13: Analog Behaviorial Models
    1. Abstract
    2. 13.1 ABM Devices
    3. 13.2 Exercises
  20. Chapter 14: Noise Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 14.1 Noise Types
    3. 14.2 Total Noise Contributions
    4. 14.3 Running a Noise Analysis
    5. 14.4 Noise Definitions
    6. 14.5 Exercise
  21. Chapter 15: Temperature Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 15.1 Temperature Coefficients
    3. 15.2 Running a Temperature Analysis
    4. 15.3 Exercises
  22. Chapter 16: Adding and Creating PSpice Models
    1. Abstract
    2. 16.1 Capture Properties for a PSpice Part
    3. 16.2 PSpice Model Definition
    4. 16.3 Subcircuits
    5. 16.4 Model Editor
    6. 16.5 Exercises
  23. Chapter 17: Transmission Lines
    1. Abstract
    2. 17.1 Ideal Transmission Lines
    3. 17.2 Lossy Transmission Lines
    4. 17.3 Exercises
  24. Chapter 18: Digital Simulation
    1. Abstract
    2. 18.1 Digital Device Models
    3. 18.2 Digital Circuits
    4. 18.3 Digital Simulation Profile
    5. 18.4 Displaying Digital Signals
    6. 18.5 Exercises
  25. Chapter 19: Mixed Simulation
    1. Abstract
    2. 19.1 Exercises
  26. Chapter 20: Creating Hierarchical Designs
    1. Abstract
    2. 20.1 Hierarchical Ports and Off-Page Connectors
    3. 20.2 Hierarchical Blocks and Symbols
    4. 20.3 Passing Parameters
    5. 20.4 Hierarchical Netlist
    6. 20.5 Exercises
  27. Chapter 21: Magnetic Parts Editor
    1. Abstract
    2. 21.1 Design Cycle
    3. 21.2 Exercises
  28. Chapter 22: Test Benches
    1. Abstract
    2. 22.1 Selection of Test Bench Parts
    3. 22.2 Unconnected Floating Nets
    4. 22.3 Comparing and Updating Differences Between the Master Design and Test Bench Designs
    5. 22.4 Exercises
  29. Chapter 23: Advanced Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 23.1 Introduction
  30. Chapter 24: Sensitivity Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. 24.1 Absolute and Relative Analysis
    4. 24.2 Example
    5. 24.3 Assigning Component and Parameter Tolerances
    6. 24.4 Exercises
  31. Chapter 25: Optimizer
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. 25.1 Optimization Engines
    4. 25.2 Measurement Expressions
    5. 25.3 Specifications
  32. Chapter 26: Monte Carlo
    1. Abstract
    2. 26.1 Introduction
    3. 26.2 Exercise
  33. Chapter 27: Smoke Analysis
    1. Abstract
    2. 27.1 Passive Smoke Parameters
    3. 27.2 Active Smoke Parameters
    4. 27.3 Derating Files
    5. 27.4 Example 1
    6. 27.5 Exercises
    7. 27.6 Example 2
    8. 27.7 Example 3
    9. 27.8 Example 4
  34. Appendix: PSpice Measurement Definitions
  35. Index

Product information

  • Title: Analog Design and Simulation Using OrCAD Capture and PSpice, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Dennis Fitzpatrick
  • Release date: December 2017
  • Publisher(s): Newnes
  • ISBN: 9780081025062