10.1 Exponentially Weighted Estimate

Given the innovations inline, the (unconditional) covariance matrix of the innovation can be estimated by


where it is understood that the mean of inline is zero. This estimate assigns equal weight 1/(t − 1) to each term in the summation. To allow for a time-varying covariance matrix and to emphasize that recent innovations are more relevant, one can use the idea of exponential smoothing and estimate the covariance matrix of inline by

10.2 10.2

where 0 < λ < 1 and the weights (1 − λ)λj−1/(1 − λt−1) sum to one. For a sufficiently large t such that λt−1 ≈ 0, the prior equation can be rewritten as


Therefore, the covariance estimate in Eq. (10.2) is referred to as the exponentially weighted moving-average (EWMA) estimate of the covariance matrix.

Suppose that the return data are . For a given λ and initial estimate , can be computed recursively. If one assumes that follows a ...

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