Chapter 3

Creating Public Support for Your App


check Using Patreon as a support channel

check Creating a custom distribution system

check Personalizing your approach

check Getting others to recognize you

Chapter 2 of this minibook delves into the traditional methods of selling an app or selling services based on an app. The traditional approach doesn’t always work, though. You can upload your app to Google Play Store, perform intense marketing, and still come up completely dry because no one can see you for the trees. It can make you want to walk down the center of Main Street in a clown suit sporting a sign saying, “I created an app! Buy it!” Unfortunately, given the prevalence of cute cat videos on YouTube, everyone will likely ignore you just the same. So, this chapter is about what you do when the traditional approach fails and you find yourself with an app that no one seems to want to buy.

Some of the suggestions in this chapter require a person with a special kind of outlook and interesting gifts to pull off. Not everyone is just naturally cute and talented enough to pull of something ...

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